How do I get closets hit from sphere trace

Hello all,

I need to get the closest hit to player on this sphere trace, from the attached image I am getting the furthest hit. Here is my trace…

// Trace for Ledge
	FHitResult LHitOut(ForceInit);
	UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereTraceSingle(this, LStart, LEnd, 20.0f, UEngineTypes::ConvertToTraceType(ECC_GameTraceChannel2), true, toignore, EDrawDebugTrace::ForOneFrame, LHitOut, true);

and here is the full routine:

void AGMaxCharacter::SeekLedge()
	ACharacter* myCharacter = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(GetWorld(), 0);

	const FVector WStart = myCharacter->GetActorLocation();
	FRotator FR = myCharacter->GetActorRotation();
	FVector FV = UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(FR);
	FVector WL = FV * 70.0f;
	const  FVector WEnd = FVector(FV.X * 150.0f, FV.Y * 150.0f, FV.Z) + WStart;

	const FVector LStart = FVector(WL.X, WL.Y, WL.Z) + FVector(WStart.X, WStart.Y, WStart.Z + 500.0f);
	const  FVector LEnd = FVector(LStart.X, LStart.Y, (LStart.Z - 500.0f));

	//Trace for Wall
	FHitResult WHitOut(ForceInit);
	TArray<AActor*> toignore;
	UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereTraceSingle(this, WStart, WEnd, 20.0f, UEngineTypes::ConvertToTraceType(ECC_GameTraceChannel2), false, toignore, EDrawDebugTrace::ForOneFrame, WHitOut, true);

	// Trace for Ledge
	FHitResult LHitOut(ForceInit);
	UKismetSystemLibrary::SphereTraceSingle(this, LStart, LEnd, 20.0f, UEngineTypes::ConvertToTraceType(ECC_GameTraceChannel2), true, toignore, EDrawDebugTrace::ForOneFrame, LHitOut, true);

	 WallLocation = WHitOut.Location;
	 WallNormal = WHitOut.Normal;
	 LedgeLocation = LHitOut.Location;
	FVector SocketLocation = GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation("PelvisSocket");
	LocalDistanceToLedge = (SocketLocation.Z - LedgeLocation.Z);

	if (((SocketLocation.Z - LedgeLocation.Z) > -71.0f && (SocketLocation.Z - LedgeLocation.Z) < 1.0f) && LocalIsClimbingLedge == false)
		LocalCanGrabLedge = true;
		LocalCanGrabLedge = false;


Appreciate any help!!!


Ok, so I turned the up trace to sphereMulti, made channel to overlap, made targets to overlap, and I am still only getting one hit result… in the double wall I would expect 2 hits one for each… Any ideas?
