Cast from Player Controller BP?

There are a few things I want to happen when I press the start button. I was thinking that I would be able to cast an event from PlayerController BP to a CameraActor BP and an Actor BP. I know I am doing something wrong but I am still a little noobish. as you can see I am trying different Get commands, but nothing seems to be working. I may be doing this all wrong as far as I know.

(I realize this is an old post, but worth answering.) Aside from multiple wiring issues in this, I think the bigger issue is that you don’t have event dispatchers bound to the events, so the events are never called. Follow this workflow:

  • 1: In the CameraActor Create an Event Begin Play event.
  • 2: In the My Blueprint window, create event dispatchers for all the events you want to set up.
  • 3: Drag one of the newly created event dispatchers from the My Blueprint window to the event graph and select “Assign”. This will add a “Bind Event” node and an associated event.
  • 4: Connect the EXEC nodes between the Event Begin Play output to the Bind Event Node.
  • 5: Fill in the details of what you want to happen in the event.
  • 6: Go to the Blueprint where you want to call the event from.
  • 7: Right Click in the event graph, in the context menu select >Event Dispatchers>MyNewEvent.
  • 7: Wire up that event to however you are wanting to call it, compile, and play.