Blueprint efficiency, for Actor Transformation - use a variable or get it every time?

hey devs! I have a complex player Character BP, and I’m using a lot of “Get Rotation” “Get Location” in it… is it more efficient (locally and for network) to just set up a transform variable in BeginPlay, update it on Tick and apply it in Lerping (or whatever). Or is it more efficient to get it as needed? If no one already knows, I’ll test it out myself… but it would be handy if someone has a quick answer

Thank you! :slight_smile:

If you will use in more than one place rotation/transform variable (Get), set is as variable on tick - maybe with some delay, for example every 0. sec - depending on game, sometimes it need just on tick.

If you use it only in one place (Get rot/transform), you can use function in this place.