Particle system overlap event

Hi! I’m working on an ability for one of my characters where it trows flames from it’s mouth. Now, i want to apply damage after the enemy is reach by the flames. I thought the best way to do this is to create a BP which inherits from actor, attach a particle component, set a begin overlap event from it and handle the damage aplication there. The previous approach doesn’t work; the overlap event is not being generated when I play and the particle component doesn’t show any collision configuration in its details panel.

So I don’t understand why the particle component has a begin overlap event but it’s not detecting any collisions. Please give ideas me to solve this. If you don’t have any idea to do this via particles then tell me another way to recreate a cone trace to apply damage to the actors inside the flame’s cone.

Thank you very much in advance.

Never used that myself but It could be, that you need to use a mesh emiter for working overlaps. and of course, the mesh needs collision for overlaps. maybe add a cone mesh, that grows with the flames or something like that. (With a invisible material at worst or just a custom collision if that even is importable in ue)

Could you elaborate more on your idea, mesh emitter?

I had some time to test my idea but it’s not working. Particles use their bounds for collision handling, not the actual collision of the meshes. I made some sort of a cone mesh with the a centered pivot:


Then I had to add a Collision and an Event Generator Module to the Particle. [Here is a Tutorial][2]

My Setup:

You have to add a bit of velocity to this emitter, since the pivot is centered so the mesh grows to all direction. (This would be different, if the pivot lies on one side of the mesh but then the particle bounds don’t fit the mesh anymore). Notice that this is also kind of inacurate since the collision is a box. Also you don’t have to use a mesh emitter for collision as you can see in the tutorial.

For shortness, here is the blueprint for the collision event:

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