Address sanitizer support on LinuxToolChain?

We want use address sanitizer tool to check memery leak on linux dedicated server, unreal engine version is 4.18, we can not sure about the bEnableAddressSanitizer (Enables address sanitizer) can be use or not?
We opend “-fsanitize=address” at LinuxToolChain.cs and compile again, but occur link error" mulit define new[] or delete[]",how did I fix it?

Same question, any solutions?

Hi WalterCao,

Is your question simply whether or not sanitizer support is available on Linux, or are you getting the linker errors as well?

4.21 has support for ASan and UBSan, but you can only use it with the system compiler for now, as the necessary libs are missing from the cross-toolchain.

I’m getting the same link errors. But I’ve resolved them by modifying the Engine source.

Thank you! I’ve integrated ASan with UE4 by myself. Maybe we’ll try 4.21 later.

Hi all,

Seeing as WalterCao has resolved his issue, and the original question is from almost a year ago, I’ll be closing this question for tracking purposes.