LogUMG: Warning: Widget Class InGameUI_C - Using Slow CreateWidget path because this class could not be templated.

This message appears in the logs of a packaged game (development). What is the cause and how to avoid it?

same question

TL;DR I’m not sure how you are creating the widget of type “InGameUI”. But I do know, that if you try and create a widget with a c++ type, rather than a WBP type, it will log this warning. And only in packaged builds.

I had this same issue. For me, it was because we were trying to create a user widget from its c++ definition, rather than the Widget Blueprint that inherited from the c++ type.

There was a recent change, in 4.17 I believe, that created a warning for this type of behaviour. The warning was added when a new feature was implemented which added “a way for games to opt-out of the slow widget path, to completely prevent them from being cooked.”

The “fast templates” are only created when a target platform is present during the PreSave call. Which I think is only in cooks. IE not during regular editor use. This is why I’d think the warning only exists in packaged builds. You would see it all the time in the editor, as the templates don’t exist then.

Hope this helps.