Cant upgrade from 4.17.2 to 4.18.2 (inaccessible due to its protection level)

When trying to upgrade to 4.18.2 from 4.17.2 I receive these errors.

While compiling D:\gamename\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\gamenameModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: d:\gamename\Source\gamename.Target.cs(19,12) : error CS0122: ‘UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration’ is inaccessible due to its protection level

ERROR: d:\gamename.Target.cs(17,23) : error CS0051: Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type ‘ref System.Collections.Generic.List’ is less accessible than method ‘gamenameTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List, ref System.Collections.Generic.List)’

ERROR: d:\gamenameEditor.Target.cs(19,12) : error CS0122: ‘UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration’ is inaccessible due to its protection level

ERROR: d:\gamenameEditor.Target.cs(17,23) : error CS0051: Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type ‘ref System.Collections.Generic.List’ is less accessible than method ‘gamenameEditorTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List, ref System.Collections.Generic.List)’

ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source files.

No access restrictions. I have tried both Unreal’s standard engine build and a source build. Neither can upgrade to 4.18.2.

I deleted folders, I generated the solution for 4.17.2 again, and then I recompiled that solution. Tried to switch it to 4.18.2 and I get this error: game name cant be opend. Try rebuilding from source manually.

Hey there, do you have any access restriction there? Are you update from git or from pre compiled?

Make sure you delete intermediate, binaries and saved folders, regenerate the solution and try recompiling everything again.

You want to delete the folders and recompile fresh for 4.18.2 not for 4.17.2. Not sure you did that.

“Not sure you did that.” because my brain is fried (long day). I post back when finish.

So I included the game into the 4.18.2 source folder and then attempted to generate the project files so I could then build it from the new solution. When I attempt to generate project files I get the same error and the process fails. I repeated the process again and the project files did generate but with a warning. (its compiling now)

Let me know if it works.

Unfortunately its not working. I get the same errors in visual studios. I see other people are having this problem as well. Link. I’m not sure I fully understand the solution though.

I have made the recommended changes and still cant get it to compile. The suggested changes make new errors…

I dont really notice the files that were giving the error. The problem is that from 4.17 to 4.18 some functions were deleted in the unreal build tool so you need to update your code to take that into account. Setupbinaries function seems to be one of those functions. If you follow those instructions in the link you should be good to go.

Unfortunately that’s not the case. I assume Epic didn’t intend for this updating issue to happen. I wounder how long it will take them to implement a fix for this bug?

If you have a SetupBinaries function in your cs files then it’s not a bug, it’s probably just a compilation error because it’s no longer the correct way of doing things and you have to fix it.

I have made the recommended changes and still cant get it to compile. The suggested changes make new errors, and without some type of documentation or assistance from someone more adapt at C++ there’s not much I can do. I assume Epic didn’t intend for this updating issue to happen. Every time somethings been depreciated in the past Epic takes care of it when updating to a newer version without having to resort to getting into C++.