(FIXED)Destroy Actor not working (Game Collectables)

EDIT: Figured it out, I just needed to change the Collision Preset for the BP mesh from BlockAllDynamic to OverlapPawnOnly. Sorry for the thread bloat.

I’m trying to get a simple “collectable” BP going (e.g. coins in Mario). I originally used Event On Hit but quickly realized that I didn’t want my enemy character removing “coins” from the world, as it should only be the player doing so.

I’ve looked around at several tutorials but cannot seem to get anything working. This current setup only manages to let my player pawn run into the coin mesh but it’s solid and nothing happens. I tried to tie a Print String to the output and not even that is coming up in my output log.

Is the GetClass not supposed to reference TwinStickPawn and instead something else? Is that’s why it’s grayed out?

Any ideas? Thank you.

Twin Stick Pawn, thats the name of ur pawn blueprint?

Thanks for the reply, I actually just figured it out. I updated the OP.

do this instead. dont forget to set collision presets to “overlap only pawn”

oh ok. my answer came late. lol

Thanks I’ll be sure to cross reference this with what I have already (Edit: Naturally it works even better now, I appreciate it!)

im glad i could help