How would you create a reusable complexly animated asset

I want to have a bridge that is built after the player presses a button. I want the animation to be cool and fun and kinda complex. (Inspired by this clip)I know I’d like to use this asset a few times so it’d be cool if it was a blueprint. But the timeline node will not be enough for the kind of animations I want to make. And the actor sequence component is still in experimental mode.

What would you do to create a reusable asset like the one I described?

  • Just use actor sequence components while they are in experimental mode?
  • Animation Blueprint- animation made in 3d tool like blender?
  • Level Sequence?
  • ???

Hey there, is the bridge a one piece mesh or does it have multiple meshes?

It would be multiple meshes.

If its just changing transforms (location, rotation and scale) you could create an array of target transforms in your actor and define for each component where it should go and on tick interpolate between the current transform and the target. If you want more complex things like bends, things expanding, etc you could you either animations or morph tagets in your 3d editor software.