Sequencer: problem with inherited components

Here’s the problem. We are trying to record a cutscene that includes avatars. AAvatar is a child of ACharacter that initializes the appearance of the actor and this includes spawning skeletal mesh components depending on the inventory.

The problem is that when we try to play a recorded sequence this is what happens:

  1. The avatar is spawned, its inventory loaded which leads to creating skeletal mesh components;
  2. The sequencer recreates components that were there when the sequence was being recorded (including skeletal mesh components spawned by inventory).
  3. We end up with two sets of skeletal mesh components.

How could we make it so sequencer would skip certain components when making a template? Maybe there’s a flag we could use or maybe there’s an option of editing object template stored in the sequence?

[EDIT]: I tried to add RF_Transient flag to created components, but it didn’t help.
[EDIT]: RF_DuplicateTransient flag didn’t help either.