Mesh DistanceField - Increase the distance?

Since this issue is still unsolved for me, I wanted to post a video in hopes that it will better illustrate what I’m talking about, and how I can go about to fix it? I left the original post down below. Long story short, the trees look great with mesh distance field but issues arise when the camera pulls back further and the shadows disappear. I can’t seem to figure out how to fix this and what work arounds are available to make it less obvious when the mesh distance field fades away.

Video Link:

Original Post:
I’ve been trying to dig around for this information through the docs and answerhub, and maybe there’s just so much information that I might have missed it- I’m using the visualizer to view the Mesh DistanceFields in a test scene. Is there a way to increase the visiblity distance of it? Right now when it drops off, the lighting of the trees look completely flat and throws it off.

Or if there’s an entirely different solution to this, I’d love to know as well.

We use mesh distance fields in our open world 20km world composition map. It takes a lot of playing around with the settings to get it to look good, and getting it to look perfect isn’t really possible. Here are the settings we found most effective to tweak:

Directional Light (Movable):

  • Distance Field Shadow Distance
  • Dynamic Shadow Distance Moveable Light
  • Number Dynamic Shadow Cascades
  • Far Shadow Cascade Count
  • Far Shadow Distance

Skylight (Movable)

  • Intensity
  • Occlusion Max Distance

By tweaking these settings we were able to get great results for exterior scenes. Interior scenes are a completely different animal and we decided to bake interior lighting in our world as a work around.

Thanks for the response! I’ve been messing with those too and while generally they help out, I don’t think it does anything for the mesh distance field for the trees.

In the visualizer with Mesh DistanceField enabled, I can see the trees drop completely at a certain distance. I just wanted to find a way to increase the draw distance of these if possible.

Bumping. Anyone? :slight_smile:

I know this is an old thread…but I had the same issue and in case someone else comes across this…Just go to your directional light - Under Distance Field Shadows - Under DistanceField Shadow Distance - Drag the slider to max…then select the max number it will allow you to slide it to and enter another zero.

In the visualizer with Mesh DistanceField enabled, I can see the trees drop completely at a certain distance. I just wanted to find a way to increase the draw distance of these if possible.

Yeah would love to know how to do this