Why is my camera bugging out?

Hi, I have come across a bug with my player camera which is affecting my whole game. I do not know what is causing it to happen and would like some assistance. If you go to https://mw138.itch.io/drone (not trying to intentionally promote my game using the answerhub, I just don’t have a build that I can attach to this question) to download my game to see what I mean. On the tutorial level, everything is working fine, then on level 1, at the start, the camera keeps bugging out and prevents the player from moving at times. There is nothing that is blocking the player’s camera. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would help me find a solution to this problem as this badly affects my game. Thanks.

EDIT: Go to Drone - UE4 Development Stream #4 | Update 2 Released! - YouTube instead of downloading it.

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it looks like youre camera boom is colliding with something (i think it might be the hat) if you go into youre character blueprint and click on the camera boom component(or spring arm) there should be an option in the details panel that says do collision test. If you turn that off i think it will fix the problem.

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It sort of worked. But now the camera clips through the walls and the player can’t run back. If you watch the video, you’ll know what I mean.

Video - - YouTube

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having been working with cameras and spring arms quite a lot… I’ve had exactly this issue, and at least one other person has had the same problem…

the fact that your camera works as intended with collision activated on your Spring Arm makes me fairly certain there is something invisible on your level 1, that your camera is colliding with… perhaps a static mesh has a huge collision box… just go to world outliner and keep deleting items. When your camera works as normal, that would be the actor causing the issue

I know it sounds too simple to be believable, but trust me, just try it :slight_smile:

There’s nothing hidden in the level or any other levels. I have even created blank levels and the bug still occurs.

I understand, maybe I’m wrong of course… it shouldn’t be causing this, but I’d suggest keeping the collision on your Spring Arm on and then turn off all collision on your character components ( just in case).

honestly, with just this much info to go on, I’m stumped, but if you’d like to make your project file downloadable… I can take a look at it (I’ve been working with spring arms and cameras for months, full time, so hopefully I can be helpful)