Casting to a GameMode breaks the editor

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Download the ShooterGame Project Sample

  2. Create a new blueprint that inherits from the ShooterGameMode c++ class & save it. (You don’t need to modify it)

  3. In any other blueprint try getting all actors of class of that new blueprint and then casting to it (I don’t believe it matters where you do the cast as long as its a reachable node)

  4. Compile & Save

  5. Attempt to reopen the editor (The editor will now get stuck at 71%)

I can send the modified shooter sample but since its 1.5gigs and the steps are very simple I don’t really see the point.

Bump… Still havent found a solution to this issue…

I have spent 2 days fighting with my GameMode class. Same symptoms, editor stuck at 71% as soon as you have BP Game Mode inherited from c++ class.

I think it’s a high priority bug!

BUMP. Casting to BP_ShooterHud also causes this 71% error… I believe casting to any hud might also do this… This bug is EXTREMELY annoying

Anddddddddd my editor froze at 71% again today… All I did is “get gamemode” followed by a cast to a specific BP Gamemode…


Bump. I am also getting this in my game… extremely annoying.

Same thing happens to me when I try to cast to my custom game mode in my multiplayer game