AGameMode - SpawnActor

Hello & Thanks for the continual support here!

Having a kaniption fit with code… i’m trying to do what i’ve done in the past for several other projects - somethign i’ve learned and adapted from both Mike Allars Generic Shooter template & Multiplayer Shootout for spawning characters of remote clients in the GameMode from AGameMode::PostLogin(InController).

Below is the code - simply put though if I use this method from a class that inherits of AGameMode - my pawn is possessed but any CLIENT role is unable to process input… and any cast to PlayerController is therefore failing.

If I use the SAME EXACT CODE - but inherit from AGameModeBase - this works perfectly fine for remote clients and they are allowed input - the controller casts succesfully and life is a happy world.

What is the underlying problem here? I dont know how to correct it - i’ve even passed through the controller from PostLogin to all other handling code - all the way to the point of pawn possession… and its still acting like this.


void AAvantGardeGameMode::PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer)

	if (NewPlayer && HasAuthority())
		AAvantGardeGameState* MyGameState = Cast<AAvantGardeGameState>(GameState);
		AAvantGardePlayerState* PState = Cast<AAvantGardePlayerState>(NewPlayer->PlayerState);
		if (PState && MyGameState)
			uint8 NumTeamA = MyGameState->TeamA.Num();
			uint8 NumTeamB = MyGameState->TeamB.Num();

			if (NumTeamA > NumTeamB)
				PState->TeamB = true;
				PState->TeamB = false;

			RespawnPlayerRequest(NewPlayer, DefaultPawnClass, PState->PlayerName);
			APController_Game* PController = Cast<APController_Game>(NewPlayer);
			if (PController)

void AAvantGardeGameMode::RespawnPlayerRequest(APlayerController* InController, TSubclassOf<APawn> InCharType, const FString &InPlayersName)
	if (InController->GetPawn())

	UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
	SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
	AActor* TeamSpawner = ChoosePlayerStart(InController);
	AAvantGardeCharacter* SpawnChar = World->SpawnActor<AAvantGardeCharacter>(InCharType, TeamSpawner->GetTransform(), SpawnInfo);
	if (SpawnChar)