Why does my blueprint stop working?

It could be a very common problem among many tutorials that deal with overlap: you can overlap with more than one thing. To do it right, you need to keep a list of the things you are overlapping with and remove them when the EndOverlap event is triggered.

That may not be your issue but it will be eventually because begin/end overlap is being called arbitrarily so you can’t know that the object you overlapped with last is the one you are ending overlap with now.

Oh, and be careful that you don’t overlap with multiple components of the same actor – or account for it if you need to. You can get multiple begin/end events from the same actor.

Oh, and maybe after your left-button event, check to see if IsChopping is already set. If it is, don’t chop. Only play the montage if you’re not already chopping. That would make sense if you’re seeing this problem when you chop too fast.

Umm… Also, I’m not sure the DoOnce is doing what you want it to.

What I would do is play the montage when not already chopping and then add a notification to the chop animation that indicates the swing is complete. Then when that event is triggered, I would change IsChopping to false so the montage can play again. The fact that it hit something has nothing to do with whether or not the swing is finished – I think that’s the basic problem in your logic.

Should hopefully be a simple one… I have a simple BP as you can see by the screenshot below, the objective for the BP is to chop a tree. It works fine for a while but it seems to stop working. It seems to stop working if I chop to fast. Any idea why this happens? (when it stops working I get no overlap event at all).
