Why object cannot detected?

this is my blueprints,


and detail of DetectTrigger component.
Some Koreans in images so pardon me.
I tested a lot, but BP didin’t sensed it overlapped with Testingcube.
Maybe my problems are not in those images becuz Im dumb, but I’ll hope get answer from here…

Everybody is dumb but only the smart ones realize it. :wink:

Do not use “Actor Begin Overlap”. Use the “BeginOverlap” event on the components. If you select one of your “trigger” components, scroll down to the bottom of the Details panel. There will be green buttons that let you add events for that component. Add the begin/end overlap events. Now those events will trigger when you get the overlap.

Move the print string to before the branch and see if the event is being triggered. Or select the OnComponentBeginOverlap node and press F9. When you play-in-editor it will stop execution there if the event is triggered. Also, in the top toolbar there is a drop-down menu called “Debug Filter”. That should either be set to your object or “No debug object selected” (which means it will stop execution for any object).

If the event isn’t being triggered then your collision settings must be wrong. You want both objects to have “Generate overlap events” enabled. You want to set the bomb to overlap with the test cube AND the test cube to overlap with the bomb. They both need to be set to overlap with the object type of the other.

Really THX for answer!, but here’s problem… I changed code like this, but it never printed Cube_Blueprint.
Im actually using this event node so I can imagine I mised something. Help me veteran…

Yes I see, it detected. but problem is don’t know what detected. I mean my problem is not solve with just detecting. my ‘detect’ meant sence what is this overlapped thing.

I already checked collision setting many times, I set they can generate overlap event both, and can overlap each other.

Something wierd: I set cube object to print string when actor begin overlap. when i played game and overlapped my character and cube, tan cube printed string. but not at bomb.
but I think really nothing wrong with collision… whats wrong ???

Actually I just think I solved problem. I changed ‘simulation generate hit event’ in some compent, Im finding where is that compent but its solved. but still got a question: cube still not sensing it overlapping with bo

mb. but it knows something overlapped. here’s cube’s code:

and the Bomb of ( == actor) is BP

You can determine what type of actor is overlapping by casting the “Other Actor” pin into a “Cast to…” node. You want to cast it to the type of actor you want. If the cast succeeds, you can use the output pin and be sure the actor is the type you want.

The collision settings you show above say that the bomb will only overlap with the test cube. It needs to also allow overlap with the player’s object type (usually Pawn, but if you changed that you should use the type you changed it to).

Hmm… Your image shows the object type as “TestingCube” and it overlaps with “TestingCube”. Is that the bomb’s collision settings? If so it should probably have a different object type, like “Bomb”.

Same thing here: you want to use the OnComponentBeginOverlap of the component. Not ActorBeginOverlap. At least, I’ve never used that method so I can’t help with it and I know the way I do it does work.

Overlap All will set some more object types to overlap and change the object type of that component to “World Static”. If that helps then there is definitely something wrong with how you set up your collision channels. It would be wise to follow some tutorials on collisions and overlap events. Collision channels are a bit complicated but once you understand them they’re no big deal. Spending time learning and practicing will be worth it, even if it takes you away from your main project for a while. Follow a few tutorials and build their examples with them, step-by-step. After a while it will seem natural and you can do your project correctly. Good luck and don’t forget to close your question by marking this as the answer.

Yes, you were right: when I set collison ‘custom’ and overlap only cube, than didn’t work. but when I set ‘OverlapaAll’ it worked. really thanks for discussion. you may not live in US but I wondered US is 7:00 AM. So Im really THX again.
But asking you last favor: Can you tell me why this was problem? the only thing important is cube, but I can’t understand I have to overlap all.

sure nice guy