AHUD DrawText UFont compile error C++

I’m trying to use AHUD’s DrawText method. In a function called from DrawHUD(), I have:

DrawText("HIHIHI", ScreenPosition, Font, FVector2D(1, 1), FColor(0, 0, 0, 1));

where ScreenPosition is an FVector. Font is declared in the header like so:

	UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "HUD Properties")
		UFont* Font;

and initialized in the AHUD’s constructor like this:

	ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UFont> FontObject(TEXT("Font'/Game/UI/HUDFont.HUDFont'"));
	if (FontObject.Object)
		Font = FontObject.Object;

The compile error I am getting is:


C:\Users\ZachKN\Documents\Unreal Projects\Evo\Source\Evo\EvoHUD.cpp(126): error C2664: ‘void AHUD::DrawText(const FString &,FVector2D,UFont *,FVector2D,FColor)’ : cannot convert argument 3 from ‘UFont *’ to ‘float’

There is no context in which this conversion is possible

This is very confusing. Why would it be trying to convert to Float when 3rd argument is clearly supposed to be UFont?

Doh. Of course as soon as I post, it dawned on me that with all my focus on UFont, I was completely ignoring the SECOND argument which requires a FVector2D and I was giving it an FVector. The compile error still confuses me, but this is a non-issue.

The compile error was confusing to me because there are actually two DrawText functions with different parameters, and it was trying to call the one in which the third argument should be a float.