Change UMG FPS text colour depending on value?

Hi, I have a blueprint widget that displays the FPS on screen, shown below.

When it get’s below 20 FPS, how can I trigger the text colour to red?

And, if possible, trigger it to yellow between 30 and 20 fps?

There’s gotta be as many ways as there are people, here’s one:

Here’s another:

Or one that uses a gradient:

Pick you poison.

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Wow that’s brill thanks Everynone!!

The set Color and Opacity node you show has a dropdown for specified color, I can’f find a node with that on it.
How did you make that node Everynone? Same with the colour Options on the Select node.

You can split pins by right clicking them; should’ve mentioned that. Alternatively, you can drag a wire from SetColorAndOpacity node’s pin and make struct.

You can also right click on the Select node and Add Option.

I had a slightly different use case. In my case, lots of colors, and we’re setting a mesh color as an output. We used string variable type, linear code to create our color mappings. Get Color Mappings + (string value) --> (Map) Find --> Set Mesh color