Perforce constant checkout

It seems that UE4 wants to check out a bunch of files that I’m not even editting. This is causing an issue with working with other people. We are using a blueprint project.

There isn’t too much information to give, I edit one blueprint and when I hit save, UE wants to save changes and checkout about 15 files. These include levels, other blueprints (seem to always be the same blueprints), materials etc.

Is there some timestamps that different between blueprints? Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I addition to this, it seems that sync’ing the latest blueprints does not actually update them in the editor. To ensure this is happening everytime I have to close the editor, get latest in my P4 client and restart UE4.

We have the same problem here, too, with our mixed C++ / BP project.This is really blocking our workflow a lot of times - and it is only 3 persons working on the project right now.

I investigated this issue a bit: Basically all blueprints that use anything from another blueprint (variables, functions, …) are marked as dirty. The Editor then wants to check-out and save them.

Digging a bit into the sourcecode this happens in FKismetCompilerContext::Compile() where FBlueprintEditorUtils::RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes() is called. This in turn modifies all dependent Blueprints and thus marks them as dirty.

I actually think this refresh should not be needed since the dependent Blueprint has not changed and only needs to be marked for re-compile. During that re-compile all errors would pop up if the original Blueprint had some breaking changes.

Any comments from Epic regarding this issue?


Related issue: [Bug] Are Blueprints that make a call to a Blueprint Interface modified when the Interface is modified? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums


This is a known issue that is currently being worked on by another member of the blueprint team. I’ll update this thread with progress and post an answer on here when we have one.



Update on this,

the work was completed and committed in changelist 2266069 on the 28th August, this was intended to improve the aggressive dirtying of blueprints. Please let me know if this helps or not.



The feedback from the team is that it got a lot better.


This is still a very problematic issue in 4.10.2 :frowning: Any word on it?

Hi Jamendxman3,

This report is a year and a half old, and the changelist that PBCosh mentioned above fixed the issue at that time. There has been many version changes since then. So if you are experiencing this in 4.10.2, please create a new post in the Bug Report section of AnswerHub.
