How to get foliage material to cast shadows but not receive them?

Trees seem to look not so great with realtime directional lighting so I’m trying to fake the lighting on the trees with materials and vertex normals so they look better, my problem is, I dont know how to make a material that would allow them to cast shadows onto the terrain but not receive light or shadows since they are self lit. (while still using a realtime directional light, NOT baked)

I was trying to replicate this method posted by Subtle 1rony
in the picture below, but it looks so complicated for me to even understand,
Is there a simpler way perhaps using emissive instead? I think foliage can look pretty good just with well made hand painted textures and self / faked lighting like in world of warcraft


This is currently not in the engine at the moment but it’s on the list to be put in. I am not sure of a time-frame for the implementation of this feature though.

You can find the original post where this was answered on our forums here.

Thank you!


Is it now puted or list very long?