How can I delay an object's rotation under a 'setworldrotation'?

I want to have my flashlight follow where the FPS player turns to look but not like a perfect follow. I’d like the player to turn and the flashlight catch up a moment later, almost like as if it was on a spring. I tried setting a simple delay but that was weird and not smooth.

I cannot give an exact answer without seeing your blueprint and component hierarchy,

However try these:
Instead of setting the rotation of flashlight directly, use a RInterpTo node, where you can set a time for the rotation to take place, which will give you the delay you want.

If the flashlight is part of your character blueprint, you can attach it to a spring arm and set the spring arm delay although this will add the delay to translation as well, whcih you may not want.

u can use timelines from blueprint graph (right click on BPG - add timeline - then doubleclick on timeline window to open curve editor) beware of value of the curve. set the max value 1.0… i was setting rotation with this, and it was inaccurate and after like 9hours i found out that it was due this :smiley: