Why is my character so bright?


I created this character in Blender and it only uses vertex colors:

I pluged in the VertexColor node into the base color in UE4 material and I get this:

I only have 2 point lights with low intensity in the scene, so it can’t be because of lighting. You can notice the floor as well.

Does anyone know why is this happening?

Thank you!

i dont have much experience with importing custom models and textures, but i believe sometimes you need to make a texture called an ambient occlusion map and i believe that helps with how lighting looks on meshes. (that might not apply to thius case though)

yea, I doubt that has anything to do with this issue

I found solution how to do it in 3ds max.
Make regular texture for mesh (paint it over in Photoshop or some other app).
Go in 3ds max → Preference Settings/Gamma and LUT and turn on Enable Gamma/LUT Correction and set gamma to 1. After that textures will look darker in viewport. Assign vertex colors from texture (diffuse) to mesh. It will than look correct in Unreal.