How to go about FPS game?

I’ve watched countless tutorials and while i am learning alot and already have basics setup i keep running into an issue,

The character model… should i be using 2 character models? one for the the actual players (just the arms) and one for everyone to see (the whole body)?


Would having just one character be good?

Ive tried both to be honest.

  1. The first option was working until i got stuck on spawning the same gun twice but dealing with visibility and after resolving that i came onto the issue of the bullet exiting both gun locations and then having to deal with the actual bullet damage but seperately…?? Exactly Its quite complicated and im not sure how to deal with it i have some ideas but it would take forever

  2. The second option worked for a while until i realized that the character weapon was much to low relatively so i thought maybe changing animations would help but that means re doing every animation by scratch and dealing with the camera coming into contact with for say the shoulders or the chest when it shouldn’t

So i ask PLEASE what is the best way to go about the fps issue, two characters or one? the method best for spawning in the weapons?

thanks, i wouldn’t have gotten this far without all the support from these forums! :smiley:

The easiest thing to do is to use the ThirdPerson template and change the player camera so it is first person rather than over-the-shoulder. Then you not only get the full player mesh for other players, you get so-called “true first person” where you can look down and see your own legs. Anything less these days is kind of sad anyway, right? The only thing the FPS template is good for is as an example of projectile physics. And I suppose you can migrate some of the content into another project, like maybe using the arm skeleton/animation to blend into a full-body skeleton.

But yeah, do ThirdPerson and change the camera. A pretty good example can be found on the YouTube channel called “Mindless Pursuits”. Keith does a third/first-person setup where you can switch between the two cameras, but a warning: he doesn’t end up making a full game, it’s just a good example of how you can do things in your own project

This is the way i had it at first and it seemed good until small things bugged me and caused major trouble (although im sure i can fix with some time and animating… again XD)

So would you recommend this method of FPS rather than having 2 separate player models?

Definitely. Looking down and not seeing a body is so 1990. Do the blueprint third person template and if you need C++, add it after. I really don’t like how the C++ template version is set up. If you have any issues, at least I’ll be much better help because I have a lot of experience with the third person template.

Thanks I needed clarification, I’ll put this as the answer for now if I run into any other problems I’ll ask here :smiley: