MoveTo with Pawn and FloatingPawnMovement

I’am trying to use AI MoveTo with a Pawn and FloatingPawnMovement.

The result is always a “fail”
I have a NavMesh etc

Is it even possible to use AI MoveTo with a Pawn, tried with a Character with the same result a “fail”

The only moment I can get is by using “Add Input Vector”.

Cheers, I think I’ll use InputVector and add some logic to check distance to waypoints.

Obstacles should not be a problem as height will be above any buildings.
Just creating simple search pattern for some ships using an area filling curve for the waypoints.

Hi losses,

FloatingPawnMovement doesn’t work with AIMoveTo. You should use AddInputVector as you pointed it out yourself. If you have created a blueprint based on the character which itself inherits from Pawn, then you shouldn’t have a problem using AIMoveTo or SimpleAIMoveTo as long as you have a NavMesh in your level.

You can read my other answer that explains in details how to use a FloatingPawnMovement and how to move and actor without a NavMesh in here.

Hope this helps.