Android simple FPS template with googleVR taking forever!

what the hell is this? while packaging project into android-24 ETC2
it’s taking forever !! :frowning:

Yep. Building takes a long time indeed. Let it finish. The errors/warnings you are seeing are unrelated to the build process, by the way. If you see any other errors/warnings, let us know.

And if you think that takes a long time, just wait until you start compiling UE4 C++ code.

Oh, and the first time is usually longer than subsequent builds.

can you tell why those warnings are coming?

Libcurl is involved in the launcher/editor (and possibly running games, not positive) trying to communicate with the Epic servers. When it can’t connect to them, it throws errors/warnings. Not sure what it’s sending, tho. It’s a bit creepy.

ohh i see … thanks :slight_smile: