Attack drone AI

hey everybody.

im trying to blueprint a simple drone ai.
just a craft that flys around the level at random and behaves like a drone helicopter, not the same as a plane or a hovercraft.

Does anybody know of good tutorials they can point me to to get this setup or have any good examples i can follow?



Main problem will be make good ai. I have flying drone, my AI is based on heavy modified youtube totorial, but this is up to you how your ai will work. Most important is flying navigation, below:

I believe, here is no simpler way, and my flying drone works exactly as expected. Most of time you will spend with general behavior ai, up to you it need maybe few days if you will follow this tutorial and have some skills. Flying is just installing plugin, is easy to use (10 min to much longer if you stuck).

Here is test scene where it flying:

But have no problem inside buildings with many floors and rooms, windows etc too.

I found this video pretty useful -Adding a Hover Component | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Check out my Solution on YOUTUBE Flying AI