Packaged project for Windows 64bit runs on monitor, but black screen in Oculus Rift

UE4.18.2 - Created Blank project with No Starter Content. Play VR preview works fine.
Save All and name “Lvl1”. Update Project Settings - Editor Startup & Game Default Map = “Lvl1”.
Build Package Win64. When I run the .exe, it runs fine on the monitor; however the Oculus Rift is a black screen and no HDR movement is reflected on the monitor which continues to run and respond to keyboard input. This is a clean install of UE4 with no added plugins and I have tried a number of suggested resolutions with no change.

Packaged projects are not played in VR mode by default. You need to go to your Project Settings and check the Start in VR option, then repackage. As an alternative, you can call Enable HMD with stereo set to True from your level’s Begin Play event.

Thank you. Kept forgetting that in Unity as well.

Ciao Marco, ho eseguito i tuoi passi ma in oculus la schermate permane nera mentre su monitor è visibile. Dopo l’impacchettamento non risultano errori. Come potrei risolvere?
Ti ringrazio anticipatamente!

OK risolto aggiungendo nel Pawn Enable HMD con stereo con Begin Play event.
Grazie lo stesso!

Marco! You are my hero!!! 40 hours of work and study instructions! Then I saw your answer! UUUUUUUFFFFFF!))))) Just one check !!! Thank you! The raccoon is happy! Thanks!