Vehicle wheels don't collide with ground

I’m trying to create a vehicle but the wheels won’t collide with the ground.

My root bones and all my wheel bones have X facing forward, Z up. Root bone is at 0,0,0.

Using pxvis collision console command, I can see that the wheels appear correct and the center of masses are in the correct place.

In my physics asset, when I simulate with my wheels set to Kinematic, nothing happens. When they are set to default, they collide with the ground (but roll incorrectly because none of the axis are locked).


When I run the game my vehicle body collides with the ground but the wheels go right through.
Unreal has image upload limit but I took video of that here:

Solved it. You can’t have three wheels native vehicleMovement class. Adding a forth wheel and attaching it to the same “rear wheel” bone makes it work as expected.