How do I turn off this outlining shadow.


I am currently working on a computer vision project where we use UnrealEngine ( to render realistic worlds to simulate sensor output. I am able to modify the rendering behavior by altering console variables.

What I’m trying to do is to disable this specific kind of outlining shadow because it is flickering when the camera viewport is changed by a small value. This prevents us from generating accurate simulation data in this region.

**EDIT: Added a video here: **

The flickering is stronger if the shadow generating object is smaller. Thats why it appears strongest at the lamp. I already tried to disable most of the post processing effects but the shadow seems to have another origin.

Does anybody know 1) how this effect is called and/or 2) how to disable it?


The picture is really small so I can’t really see the problem, just guessing! :wink:
Could be the (screenspace?) reflection quality… or antialising …

Hi again!
Thanks for your response.
I’m sorry for the poor quality. Computer vision applications are often rendered at low resolutions to allow fast (real time) processing. I added a video to illustrate the problem. It is not the lamp stick which is troublesome but the surrounding “shady” background.

No worries I just didn’t see the problem! :wink:
Do you use Distance Field Ambient Occlusion?

That worked! Using r.AmbientOcclusionLevels = “0” to turn it off. Thank you, really appreciate your help!

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