Ray Casting both Motion Controller + Virtual User Index

I wanted both the motion controller to ray cast.

Once we have clicked on the display box (text box) it activates the box and is ready to take input from the keyboard widget set right below it . So the main problem is when I click on the text box and start triggering the buttons for input it only takes one key at a time so I have to again click on the text box to enable. It’s something wrong with the widget interaction. Most probably the “virtual user index” is causing the problem.

Video Link :

I am sharing the solution here for future reference.

We investigated the problem offline and it turns out the Widget component inside the BP referencing the Display Widget also had its Is Focusable property set to True. This took away the focus from the underlying referenced widget causing it to not receive the input unless the focus was manually restored with a click.

To make it work properly, the Display Widget should be the only one having its Is Focusable property set to True. All other widgets and widget components should have Is Focusable set to false.