Is it possible to make an Android login with only blueprints?

Hey guys, the title pretty much says it all. I’ve checked a lot of other similar questions, but none of the solutions has seem to work for me. I’m trying to make a mobile game and I would like for it to sign in to the users google play account using the Show External Login Ui. The show external works since I see when this screen appears in my device, but it always fail. I’ve checked the Match3 game to see how they did it, but they use C++ and I would like to know if this is possible to achieve in a BP only project. Also, the project already has the keystore setup, the AppID and all of that sort that I believe are required for Android Development. Below is my BP of the Game Instance which handles the Login. If you need more info to provide an answer, please let me know, and I’ll provide it.
Thanks in advance!

I checked the Google Play API docs and it says they use JSON, so you can use the VaREST plugin to make calls from BP’s to interface with the Google Play API. You should not need C++.

Hi Dartanlla, I checked VaREST as you recommended, but I can’t seem to grasp it. I tried to use it as the Plugin Usage page recommended, but I can’t seem to make it work. How can this access the google play login service?

I fixed this problem. After a long time of searching without succes, I ended created the project with C++ and made sure the following where done:

  1. The Game Services where published (Developer Console)

  2. Verify that the Build.cs contained the following:

         if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)
             PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "OnlineSubsystem" });
  3. Verify that the GooglePlayAppID.xml had the following:

	<string name="app_id">YOUR APP ID</string>

Not sure why the BP project wouldn’t work, but I got it fixed.

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