Making a Run-Only Demo

Hi UE4 Community,

I have had several people ask me if they can have a demo for a project of mine, and I’d love to give one to them, but I would like to protect my Blueprint code. If I were to “cook” a version of my project, would that deny them access to opening individual Blueprint files in the editor and pirating the code? My understanding is that cooking a project causes it to go from a .uproject with content files and so forth to a single executable that can be run but not edited. Is that true, or am I all washed up? It is possible that I am, as I have never actually cooked a build. Thanks in advance!

James Wirick

Hey there, that is what the process of packaging is for. You package all of the used assets in your game so it can be distributed to anyone and you’ll be fine against someone trying to see your blueprint code.

Fantastic - thank you!