Regarding free content and usage in your own game


i am just reading through the legal FAQ and i am finding these paragrahps regarding the usage of the free content a little bit contradicting.

In your “What all comes with my Unreal Engine 4 subscription?” paragraph you list the free content including “Template Games”, “Starter Assets” and “Larger Games”. Now that is pretty self explainatory, no question on that.

But in the 2nd next paragraph “What can I do with this free content?” you explicitly state that one may use the “Template Games” for own projects. And two sentences later you say

“You can use this content for your own
game projects, too!.”

Now I wonder if that sait sentence is related to the “Template Games” or to all of the free content stated in the paragraph “What all comes with my Unreal Engine 4 subscription?”?

Edit: And i assume the 5% royalty would apply to the content aswell if used in a commecrial project or would that be not within the EULA?

I think you should specify it more clearly in your FAQ and help me understand how you mean it.

Thanks in advance!

Xendo -

Essentially, any content you get has the same rights associated with it. If you get free content from us, you can use it in your UE4 games or other projects, no problem. The 5% royalty applies to your game, not to the free content specifically.