Static Mesh Component Details not displayed correctly in the editor after changing them

I have this code below to attach some StaticMeshComponent to my Characters mesh.

WeaponMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Weapon"));
WeaponMesh->AttachTo(GetMesh(), "Katana_R");

This works really fine

Now I do not want to attach it to some socket

WeaponMesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>(TEXT("Weapon"));
 WeaponMesh->AttachTo(GetMesh(), NAME_None);

After compiling the static mesh component details in the editor has vanished

temp fix - remove the UStaticMeshComponent - compile - add it again and recompile it.
If this is really an issue I could try to land a PR

Hey there, usually it’s a good idea to restart the engine everytime you make a change in the header or in the components hierarchy. You don’t have to supply NAME_None, it’s the default value.

yes I also left the argument blank - this was just for displaying the diffrence.
I restarted the engine but the effect remains the same.
So I guess this is a valid bug ?

Do you have the Weapon mesh set to VisibileDefaultsOnly? Another thing that might be happening is that the blueprint bugged out, i’ve had this issue before, i tried doing Right click on the actor → Asset Actions → Reload, when that didn’t work i had to create a new blueprint and make it again.