Following Android quick start guide on macOS leaves some missing required components

I am trying to deploy to Android from macOS 10.12.6. I have tried following the [Android Quick Start][1] guide a few times now. Every time I open up Unreal Editor again and look in the launch menu, I do not see my Android device in the list of devices.


Clicking on “Android Support” I get a message saying that I’m missing some required components.


The first time I followed the quick start I already had Android Studio from Google installed. After the first failed setup I uninstalled Android Studio, CodeWorks, and UE4.18 then installed them all again. Still no luck.

Both before and after all this setup, adb devices lists my phone just fine (though I just noticed that after everything I get a message saying “adb server version (36) doesn’t match this client (39); killing…”).

Any suggestions for what I could try next?

Coming at it with fresh eyes, I realized that I can manually set the Android SDK settings in the Project Settings window. The SDK and NDK were referencing the removed Android I set them to the same values as I have in my .bash_profile and now I’m able to build for Android. I imagine that I’ll have to change these settings for every new project though which is undesirable, so if anyone has suggestions for getting UE4 to load .bash_profile properly I’ll be happy to accept that answer.

I started a new project and it retained the settings from the last one, so I guess I’m set for now.