Animations playing when the game hasn't started yet

Something really weird is happening. Suddenly all characters animation automatically playing when the game HASN’T started yet. This causing for problems, and I can’t find the solution for this. Can someone please help me?

I can’t send mp4 file

Hey there, can you show a video of the issue?

I can fix this problem with setting the flipbook frame to the first one, when the game is started, but this shouldn’t happen. When an animation is at frame 5, and when I start the game, then the animation is at frame 6. Why is the animation suddenly playing when the game isn’t started?

Upload it to youtube.

Do you have anything in the construct script?

If you delete that instance and create a new one, does it still happen? Does that happen inside the blueprint viewport?

I don’t really use paper 2d, maybe it’s an issue with it.

It didn’t happen before

Only ‘SetIsReplicated’, but beside that nothing. The enemy has the same problem. But it’s really weird, because I was working on ‘TargetPoint’ and I restarted Unreal Engine 4, and then this happened.

It still happens and inside the blueprint the animation is playing

Try creating a new similar blueprint and see if that happens or if it’s just with that one.

I will try tomorrow. I don’t think it will solve this, because it’s with all blueprints.

It doesn’t work

I solved it by turning off ‘Realtime’ in ‘Viewport Options’.

I have this by default so i thought you had it too.

Maybe I accidentally turned it on. But now I have to fix something else: my animation of the main character doesn’t work, but when I add an new one, it does work.

Thanks for your support xlar8or

No prob :slight_smile: