Material Blending Based on Adjacent Tiles


I am working on a game with a procedurally generated map, I have the generation part working to a degree but I’m having difficulty figuring out ways of blending textures/materials across the “tiles” I am generating.

My map generator works by creating an array with different values for each tile type and then iterating through that array to create tile instances within map “blocks” (128x128 tiles per block etc etc.) to display the different floor/wall types.

I’ll attach an image to better show what I have currently.
What I’m looking for is a way of blending the tiles so that they have a smooth transition between floor types (Grass, Dirt, etc)

I have looked into Tile Bitmasking which to my knowledge is commonly used in some 2d games, but I’m not sure if that would be practical in this situation.

I’m not necessarily asking for a straight solution, but more so guidance in the different ways this sort of thing could be achieved.

There’s a similar issue with the walls.

Is there a way within UE4 materials to smooth/deform the corners without the need for custom meshes for each angle? - I have some ideas for how I could accomplish this with multiple wall meshes, but I’m just wondering if there is a more feasible method.

I’d appreciate any guidance you can give! :slight_smile:


Need help on this same topic, if you or anyone else ever found a solution.