Setting dynamic material instance color C++

Hello, I am trying to change material color of standard UE4 Mannequin skeletal mesh but there is nothing hapenning both in viewport and in game.

    	mesh_ = GetMesh();
    	TArray<class UMaterialInterface*> materials = GetMesh()->GetMaterials();
    	for (int i = 0; i < materials.Num(); i++)
    		UMaterialInstanceDynamic* matInstance_ = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(materials[i], this);
    		matInstance_->SetVectorParameterValue(FName(TEXT("_BodyColor")), characterColor);
    		GetMesh()->SetMaterial(i, matInstance_);

Hey there, first of all you dont need the FName(TEXT, just do “_BodyColor”, what you are doing there is kind of the same as doing 3 + 1 - 1, instead of using just 3. Second, i would create the dynamic material in the begin play and using this command:

UMaterialInterface * Material = GetMesh()->GetMaterial(i);
UMaterialInstanceDynamic* matInstance = GetMesh()->CreateDynamicMaterialInstance(i, Material);

if(matInstance != nullptr)
     matInstance->SetVectorParameterValue("_BodyColor", characterColor);

See if that works.

Hey good to know, the inner code of unreal probably has some verification that prevents it from running on the contructor.