set Camera view

Hello. I’m new with Unreal 4 and I’m trying to learn blueprint. but I have a problem with setting the camera for the player. I’m trying to set a driven camera for the player. I mean when the player gets to a specific place the camera goes to a different position and follow the player from that position. Is it possible with the blueprint ? (Like Trine 3)

Yes, you can do it with the activate and deactivate functions and hooking the camera reference to the target. If you are interested in learning Unreal you can check my channel Gamium Gamers. you can comment and ask me.
Youtube link: Gamium Gamers - YouTube


You can do this in a few different ways. One way would be to adding two different cameras to your player’s blueprint. Enable the Auto Activate option for your first/main, but turn it off for the second one. Now, whenever you want to swap between them, change this Auto Activate boolean option for your cameras and the engine will automatically swap between them. Refer to this post to see a blueprint representation of it.

If you want a smooth transition between two different camera locations, then, instead of using two cameras, you would use only one but change its location and rotation values by some timeline node. You can again see an example of this in the comment section of the above link.

Hope this helps.