Project only bulid from commandline

I am currently having an issue with my UE4 project build automation. We have multiple projects which are sharing an engine, I have a simple jenkins build automation pipeline which pulls down our built engine and the latest project source, then builds and publishes the project using the following script:

    Engine\Build\Batchfiles\Build.bat MyProjectEditor Win64 Development /Path/To/MyProject.uproject

Since 4.18 i have been unable to build the project without the engine itself recompiling as well causing a bulid id mismatch between the newly published project binaries and our current engine build. This leads to a chicken-and-the-egg problem where we are unable to publish project bulids without publishing the engine bulid as well, breaking compatibility with our other projects using the same engine, building the other projects against the new engine bulid repeats the cycle.

This same process was working pre 4.18, with projects being built against the engine without the engine itself being rebuilt and projects were published with a bulid id matching that of the engine in source control.

Is there currently any way to build a project exclusively against a specific engine build without the engine itself being rebuilt from the commandline?