Detect input device


How can i detect from what device input is coming?
Like: keyboard and mice, xbox controller, PS controller or etc

Thanks in advance,

make an input action for left joystick (and you can add any other controller inputs as well) and make a second input action for wasd (or mouse or other keys) in the player blueprint, when the input action for the controller is used, set a boolean variable called UsingGamepad to true. when the input action event for the keyboard one is used, set that boolean variable to false. You can use branches with that boolean anywhere else in the blueprint where thats needed

FYI - This fires ALL THE TIME - with 0 Gamepad hooked up to the PC. This method doesnt work…

Since all of the answers for this question i found were trash here’s mine:

  1. Use event “Any Key” to get a key pressed
  2. Use “Is keyboard key” on it to check if it’s a keyboard key
  3. Switch on the bool your functions to view the text or images.
    I’m using “get display name” straight from input settings so my mechanic is index dependant. Also used two branches in case i want more devices.

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