Sharing purchased plugins with team members?

Hello. I have two plugins that I’m trying to share with my team member, but I’m not sure if this is even possible. I can’t find good results when searching.

The plugin specifically are Dungeon Architect and VR IK system. I’m assuming that plugins fall under the same rules as other marketplace items and I’m allowed to share with team members? Or am I wrong and they will need to purchase them?

If I’m not wrong, how can I share the plugin from my unreal vault to my friend? Can I copy the plugin from my vault to the plugins folder of the project or something like this?

Thanks for any help

I was just wondering this one of my teammate bought a marketplace templet for our game do I have to buy it was well?

I have your Solution.
Step 1 Install Plugin to Engine.
Step 2 Goto root Unreal Engine version Folder Version should be something along the lines of C:\UE_4.27\Engine\Plugins
Step 3 hit the Search in top right and search for your plugin.
Compress the Root Folder of the plugin to a Zip File.
Step 4 Goto your project and make a folder called Plugin’s.
Step 5 Extract the zipped folder plugin to the plugins folder you created for your project.
(Make sure the root of the project is marked as writable.)
Step 6 Start the .uproject or open up your project and if it asks to build click yes.
You should see the plugin in the Plugins list in the project from here.