RealTime texture

Hi, is there a simple method for update texture from script in real time? I need update every frame the texture of a plane

Hey there, does this or this help?

What exactly do you need? Something like a plane that acts like a camera? If that is the case you can use Render Targets.

Hello, I wonder how to achieve that through blueprint? Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot!


Could you see the picture? I wonder how to update every frame the texture of the cylinder surface?

You can use render targets for that, since its just a material

What is render targets? The link you give shows camera feed, not render targets!

You want to update the texture every frame with what?

With the picture got from a video.

The video that xlar8or linked does indeed show a render target (it’s the texture he puts on a box in front of the camera). A render target is a texture that can be updated in real time. Displaying what a camera is seeing is one of the most common uses of a render target, but they can display things besides camera feeds on them.

If you want to texture the cylinder with the content of a video you have to use the media framework.

No,actually,I have to update the texture every frame by Image taken from a particular format of file, not
universal format.

And you already have the code to extract the current texture to update for the current frame? If that is the case, you dont even need render targets, you just need to create a dynamic material that has a texture parameter and every frame you set it with the texture data.