Why my AddWorldRotation is going crazy?

I have an actor with a decal as a child component.

I’m trying to rotate just this decal, to follow my controller’s rotation yaw (the actor itself is not being affected by it). But when I add the difference to the Decal, it keeps spinning like crazy. Not sure why.

My logic was to calculate the delta between controller’s rotation and decal’s word rotation and apply this delta on each frame, like so:

float DeltaDecalYaw = (NewControlRotation.Yaw - PointerDecal->GetComponentRotation ().Yaw);
PointerDecal->AddWorldRotation (FRotator (0.f, DeltaDecalYaw, 0.f));

Can anyone please point me what am I missing here?

Hey there, if you are calculating that in Tick then it explains why it’s spinning like crazy, because every frame you are adding more and more rotation, you might want to use a set instead of an add. An image of the situation (inggame and the attach code) would help me give better idea of what you are trying to do.