How do i import my boneless models from blender into unreal?

Hey, i am completely new to using unreal, but i have a huge bank of about 90 models i want to use to make a project

the problem is, all of them were animated using keyframes and 0 bones , how do i import these into unreal in a manageable way? the best i could manage was making it so all the pieces of my model and their animations were seperate files and it was absolute chaos how messy it was

is there anything i can do in blenders export settings or unreals import settings to get my boneless models to just be just 1 piece and retain its animations and materials? like in unity?

to my knowledge the only way to animate in ue4 is with skeletons or morph targets, but i could be wrong.

Hey there, i believe what @ThompsonN13 said is true and i add Alembic on top that.