I'm having a problem with the Advanced Locomotion System v2

It works fine in the editor, but when i tried it in the packaged game, the post process IK BP doesn’t work. I created a new project and packaged it without any changes and the IK still doesn’t work.

From looking at the output log i can’t see any big problems regarding the IK BP.

was this ever solved?

I am seeing this in V2 as well. Anybody got around this?

I actually haven’t experienced this issue lately, but you could try to activate “EnableFootIK” After the game has started. Maybe the entire PostProcess BP gets disabled when it starts.
I have also used V3 and it doesn’t seem to be an issue there.

Tried triggering that variable after a delay as in the image. Doesn’t seem to fix it. I’ll keep digging but thanks for the suggestion!

I’ve narrowed it down to the ‘Two Bone IK’ node not working properly. Still digging.

Ok think I got it. The reason this was happening was due to the selection of virtual bones within the ‘Two Bone IK’ nodes. These are editor only and must be changed before building since the bone will be removed during the build process and the built package will have trouble reconciling this reference.


YouE4 - I think this is sufficient to mark this one as solved. Also you mentioned V3 does not have this issue.

Great job Naveed.

Correction, V3 has the very same issue once cooking the game with 4.20. Virtual bones are NOT editor-only they remain exists after packaging as well.

4.22 got some updates for the bone reference container, i’ll report here back once it turns out this issue gets fixed for good.

Please help I’m having the same issue and put a lot of work into my game already . I’m also packaging on 4.22 right now to see if it works

Did u ever resolve it

I haven’t updated the project to 4.22 just yet. Can you confirm that the virtual bones references work with the IK in the new engine version?

Currently i’m using 4.20, therefore i had to manually craft the IK bone structure in external app to get it working. Virtual IK bones are a no go for 4.20.

Edit: worth to note, that using regular sockets and a bit of a tweaking on the code i was able to substitute the Joint target problem mentioned above, and it just works without using virtual ik bones on that property.

In my case, unfortunately the entire character is lacking of physical IK bones, therefore i setup the skeleton with virtual ik bones, which is not working out for me until this bug get’s resolved.