Ribbon Particle is overlapped by a Plane below it

So I made a ribbon particle that is essentially a smoke trail that follows a projectile around. The problem is that when the projectile is on the ground, but still moving (or just too close to a plane), the ribbon particle just vanishes. (It appears to be overlapped by the plane below it, as when I make the ground transparent, it can still be seen.) I’ve done some testing and put the camera up close to the ribbon, and found that the ribbon particle was well above the plane that appeared to overlap it when the camera was farther away. Does anyone know what I can do to ensure that the particle doesn’t vanish when it’s close to a plane? If you need more information, feel free to ask. Thanks!

I’ve got this partially figured out. I think it has something to do with the fact that the plane below the ribbon particle is a transparent material. Therefore, I think this happened because of the Translucency Sort Priority being the same on both the particle and transparent plane below it. Due to other issues, I’ve changed the plane to have a masked material instead of transparent, which also solved this issue.

On another note, I’ve noticed that my ribbon particle is flickering sometimes, and I’m not sure why. I’ll make another thread for this issue soon.

Actually, raising the Translucency Sort Priority for the Ribbon trail to 1 (from 0) seems to have gotten rid of the random flickering as well!