How To make Character talk in game using Morphs

I want to make my character talk while playing using a blueprint to randomize morphs on the mesh (head)
I tried this:

But the result is not that smooth the problem is the speed of the lips is too high.


I need to blend between two morph targets MouthOpen and LipsWidth randomly and smoothly with good speed
ALSO, is there away to make the character talk for 10 sec when pressing T on the keyboard?

Hey there, right now you just changing the current values without any time of interpolation, to fix that you need to useFInterpTo or FInterpToConstant, where the current is the current value of the morph target and target is the random value.

Where do I use FInterpTo or FInterpToConstant?? can you show an example!!

It doesnt make much different, its just the way it interpolates, FInterpTo does a bit of ease in and out and FInterpToConstant is linear. You can check that here.

I tried and place it in the value for both morphs but it didn’t make him talk at all.

A screenshot would be helpful.

You need to understand what the node does, check the video i gave you.

After some research I couldn’t make this Blueprint better.
There is another method using Animation Curves to animate morphs in the animation file using this concept

I learned more from this example: Morph Targets on Skeletal Mesh

Useful link

I simply duplicate the animation of the character and double click on it to open the animation on the mesh tab I switch the mesh from mannequin to my character head and add curves for mouthopen and lipswidth and add keys between 1 and -1 and save the animation then use it in game by placing a function on the blueprint that says when I press T play the animation of for example "Talk ".

Thanks anyway.

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