Best way to visualise very large prng array @ runtime

I am generating a tile based world using numerous noise functions in a pretty standard manner.

The terrain that I am generating is very large. I have no intention of ever having the whole thing loaded with actors at once during release (cause memory is precious), but for testing and tweaking I need to be able to better visualize what’s going on. Currently, I am able to see a small subset of the map ~4% at one time (for about 10,000 Tiles), which allows for very good performance, and I can rapidly unload and reload the actors I need to see as I move towards them/away from them.

I would like to be able to better visualize the output maps at run-time, so I can further refine my noise for better topology. Ideally, I would prefer to do this in editor/run-time without spawning all the actors.

So, without dumping the data to a file and opening it externally, what might be a good (low memory cost) method for viewing the entire map?

Current Ideas include:

  • A Pixel Colored Map, with 1:1 for pixels and tiles or similar, probably drawn onto a ucanvas etc. or;

  • Low Res Mapping of the entire data set. (so actors represent more than 1 region / tile, instead of 1:1 actors to tiles.)

Beyond these two, I can only really think of methods for dumping and opening the data externally.

If anyone knows a better method or has any ideas, it would be greatly appreciated.

You could try this:


It should be easy to set up and be fast. It draws a textured quad of any size, uses a material and is quite flexible overall:

this is great, I’m trying it out now!

welp. I tried it out, but its super intensive on the gpu.

While it does show the whole map, it comes out black. Possibly something to do with being unlit.

any thoughts?

Make the material unlit and emissive. How many are talking about? 250k?

phew done. There was a shading category for UI, so I just made some dummy materials with appropriate colors using that shader. Worked out quite well

thanks very much for the idea!

Wicked! I’ve got a world generator, too - need to think of implementing a similar debug tool, mine is currently text based. ;p

mind you, I still really couldn’t display the whole map, but its possible to make it lower res instead, which is good enough for what I wanted to do.