Build Configuration documentation mistake?

I am having some troubles with compilation of source engine because it often compiles engine when I want to build only project. I have slow HW so when I do mistake it is about 2 hours waiting until engine compiles. I was reading some documentation about build configurations and I think there are some mistakes on these two pages:

"Development This configuration is equivalent to Release. In order to see your project’s code changes reflected when you open the project later in the Unreal Editor, you must compile in the Development configuration. "

What Release ? There is not Release configuration. I think it should be Shipping. I just want to post it here to make things clear for future readers :slight_smile:

Also I think these two pages should be merged somehow. It is a bit unclear when there are two pages for compiling.
Engine compilation page says that when I want to build engine I need to use Development but video tutorial uses Development Editor. Also there are many configurations missing on screenshot
Looks pretty confusing…

I think these two documents offer similar informations and some of them are just copy & paste. It would be much clearer.